Monday, October 27, 2008

Death of a Dream

Dreams are the things that hopes are made of .. or is it hope is the thing that dreams are made of. Either way, when a dream dies, it is hard to deal with that reality. Sometimes our dreams are the things that we used as a guideline, a goal that we were shooting for. Sometimes our dreams are unrealistic and hence unrealized..

When a person realizes that the dream that they sought and had put so much into is gone.. it is hard to get over.

Dreams are funny things. Some of them are attainable, but not meant for this time or place in our lives, while others die so that new ones can surface. And still others should never be....

Dreams encapulate our hopes. Hope is a good thing. It helps us to look to the future and focus on what we want out of life. It gives us a positive view of the world and the things that are in it.. but hope is also aware that not everything is rosy.. that not everything is perfect. No .. hope does not deny the evil the world, but works to move us beyond it. There is a quote that I have found about this.. I will have to add it later.

Still it is hard to move when we realize the death of a dream for whatever reason it dies. It is then our task to figure out how to move on, and find the dream/hope that best fits the place where we are.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Charity .. what is it really?


–noun, plural -ties.
1. generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless: to devote one's life to charity.
2. something given to a person or persons in need; alms: She asked for work, not charity.
3. a charitable act or work.
4. a charitable fund, foundation, or institution: He left his estate to a charity.
5. benevolent feeling, esp. toward those in need or in disfavor: She looked so poor that we fed her out of charity.
6. leniency in judging others; forbearance: She was inclined to view our selfish behavior with charity.
7. Christian love; agape.
"charity." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 26 Oct. 2008.>.

For a month, I was helping with a project at work. Twice a year at work, our organization distributes food and clothing to the needy population of town. We request that people bring us seasonal clothes, toiletries, new socks, new underwear, blankets and shoes. This fall, we were collecting items for the cold weather.

I am amazed that people would give us their old, USED underwear, USED socks, and summery clothes. Most of the items, such as the used items, went in the garbage, while the summery things were boxed up for the next clothing drive, usually for April.
What are people thinking? They give us DIRTY, STAINED clothes, because they are either too lazy to throw them out or too lazy to wash them.

This is the second year I have helped with this effort. This year we had 4 categories of clothes; 1. garbage (not applicable or suitable for ANYthing), 2. the thrift store (our organization has a thrift store now. Some people were giving purses, high heel shoes, sequined tops,. good for someone but not for this particular project). 3. Project: what we were really looking for, 4. Clothing Depot: in one of our sites, we have a clothing depot where staff look for items for patients. These items are meant for patients who need something to go home in. Doesn't have to look like a total smart outfit, but it has to be functional and fit. Often patients come in with the clothes on their back, which must get cut off of them or thrown out, or the person has swelling and is not able to fit their shoes, pants, etc that they came in with.

I know that one man's junk is another man treasure. But charity is about giving to those in need and giving out of love and caring. Some of these acts seem to say that they don't care, the person just wanted to dump their closet contents. Since these people are in need, they'll be happy with anything. What about dignity people? What about tact? We are taught in our Holy writings to share with the poor and to give of the heart. Some of these acts, while well meaning, don't seem to show that people think with their heart or their head.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Memorable but oh so wrong..

I never want this to happen at any wedding I officiate...

Notice, BOTH the bride and the minister end up getting hit!!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

A Psalm for what has been Lost

One day at work, we were asked to write our own psalm. The following is about dementia and based on Psalms 30, " Joy comes in the morning" and a line from Anne of Green Gables, "Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it.”

A Psalm for What has been Lost.
Cry to the LORD for what has been lost
I cry to the earth in the sweet dew of morning
Fresh and new I see
Erased are the errors of yesterday
Erased are the mistakes and pain of yesterday
Starting new and fresh each day – full of hope,
Anxious to see what this day shall bring.
I cry to the LORD for what has been lost
Gone are the times of innocence and play.
Gone is my childhood.
Gone is my heart full of naivety
Gone is the security of his loving arms.
But fresh are the memories … the memories… do they stay?
Gone are the memories of yesterday – the joy of gatherings, the security of loving space.
Gone is the ability to recall the past, full of joy, full of life & light
Gone is the life with the man I once knew.
Fresh each morning I start the day
Gone are the faces I once loved and trusted
Fresh each morning are the hopes and fears – fears of knowing there is something I have forgotten, fear of remembering …
only to loose it the moment that it comes.
I cry to the Earth for the memories given through sight, smell and sound.
I know I have been here before.
I cry to the LORD for that which has been lost, …
Am loosing…
Is going…
Fresh each morning I start the day.
Gone is my pain, my trials, my memories…
Gone is the fear of knowing what is to come.
Now is the Strength that I have from You.
Fresh comes the morning, fresh comes the fear of what is to come .. but only for a moment.. It is death. She waits…
Fading memories bring times of anguish and frustration
The word that is gone from my tongue… I knew it once.
The face that I see.. the name that is lost deep in my heart.
I cry to the LORD for that which is lost
I hope for the morning – fresh each day is the hope.
LORD be with me I pray.
Of all the things that I have lost,
Your presence remains.